BREAKING NEWS: SGA town hall will be held to address issues on campus

Photo from ehc_sga Instagram

Join the SGA tomorrow for a town hall meeting in the BOV inside Van Dyke

After concerns were expressed about lighting on campus, SGA conducted a safety walk last Wednesday to identify the unlit areas and are looking to further the conversation. There will be a town hall meeting on Wednesday, November 3rd on the second floor of Byars Hall to further discuss these issues as well as other concerns on campus.

SGA shared the reports of the safety walk with the president’s office and created a survey in which the student body shared concerns about the lighting situation. This town hall meeting will be the time for everyone to come together for an open discussion.

Sandy Coffee, a sophomore student senator and the housing and grounds chair, spoke on the situation.

“Students should know how powerful their voices really are. It may feel frustrating to struggle with an issue day after day and feel like your complaints are falling to deaf ears. We have to remember that as students, we are buying services when we pay our tuition, and we deserve to live comfortably and feel safe walking around campus. I want students to know that the SGA is in place to serve the student body, so if there is ever a major issue or complaint that you feel is being ignored, please contact your senators.”

Coffee also spoke about the importance of attending the town hall, saying, “The town hall will welcome all students to come and share their voices, giving them an opportunity to speak with cabinet members and senators directly and inspire new changes around campus. Please come to the town hall to learn more about the projects that senators are working on!”

Dean of Students Tracy Wright said, “Students have shared their concerns with me about lighting. Colleagues across campus have been sharing student concerns and some have voiced their personal concerns regarding the lack of lighting in some spots around campus. … Lighting is an important part of making areas safe. Working collaboratively we can all help ensure that this campus is a safe place for everyone.”

To voice your opinion on the lighting issue, fill out this form provided by Coffee: