Free Student Services Coming to Campus

Taylor Simmons

Wiley Hall will be the home of the new Student Success Center, and potentially a free coffee bar for students within that center.

Guest Contributor, Jackson Arnold

New student services are coming to the college campus in the upcoming semesters and, even more exciting for students, these services are planned to be free.

Travis Proffitt, dean of student success, spoke on these plans for future free services at Emory & Henry College.
“One thing we are pursuing right now is TimelyMD, which is a telehealth provider,” said Proffitt. “Students can seek health counseling and basic — like I have a sore throat — basic kind of things. Instead of scheduling an appointment at the health center, they can log in to TimelyMD and talk with a nurse practitioner. All of that will be free of cost for students.”

Proffitt also has aspirations to help fuel students with a complimentary coffee bar in the new Student Success Center being built where the Wiley Hall auditorium used to be.
“One of the other things, once the new Student Success Center is open, is we are going to have a coffee bar in there, and I’m working as hard as I humanly can to come up with that budget to keep that coffee free,” says Proffitt.