Emory Activities Board Helps Students “Go to New Places and See New Things”

Emory and Henry College Activities Board

EAB has multiple events lined up for the students of E&H to participate in throughout the rest of the semester.

The Emory Activities Board is working hard to bring back the hype of pre-COVID activities and enliven the Emory community. From midnight movie premieres and bubble soccer, to mentalism and virtual reality simulations, EAB has it covered.

EAB, a student-led organization responsible for introducing fun, free events for E&H students, has ambitious plans for Emory’s student body in the current and upcoming semesters. President , with her executive committee to which she attributes much of the group’s success, oversees EAB.

“We’re taking larger trips off of campus like Carowinds, and next semester we plan to host a spring concert with several other offices and organizations on campus,” Roberts said. “These are things we have never tried before, and I think that providing students with this programming can give them the opportunity to go to new places, see new things, hear good music, and make good friends that they might not have otherwise.”

EAB recently brought professional mentalist and illusionist, Wayne Hoffman, to perform in Emory’s McGlothlin Center for the Arts. Students gathered together for an exciting night of mystifying mysticism and clever illusions. EAB has also recently hosted events such as karaoke nights in the Van Dyke building, live music events outside, and midnight movie premieres at local theaters.

This year, the board is working to reestablish activities it was unable to host during Covid. Roberts explained, “We really wanted to come into this year swinging with a full schedule to get upperclassman reinvolved with us, and freshman and sophomores familiar
with the group.”

Roberts recalled one of her favorite EAB events, the well-attended roaring ‘20s themed dance held at the Martha Washington Inn by EAB during March of 2020. “ It really brought a wide variety of students together for some music and dancing. It was so much fun planning that event and we felt the anticipation building up for months,” she said. “It was just an amazing environment to be a part of.”

EAB is hoping to bring more events like that dance back to campus, so next time you’re looking for something to do on a boring night in the dorm, watch for EAB’s emails!